
Here you will find all projects that are financed within the Bio + program.

Hydrochar enhanced biogas production, HyBio

With new technology, we aim to explore the possibility of significantly increasing methane production during anaerobic digestion. Recent studies have shown that…

Manager: Maria Sandberg


Biogas production from pelleted and briquetted straw, roadside grass and reeds

The EU Commission has a target of production of 350 TWh biomethane by 2030, and in Sweden a target of 10 TWh…

Manager: Anders Hjort


Efficient use of biomass for a robust and climate-friendly energy system

Bioenergy is renewable, can offer flexible power in the electricity system and domestically produced fuels. However, the use of bioenergy risks causing…

Manager: Lina Reichenberg


SusTainAble biobased fuRan platform for the low carbon industry – STAR

Meeting Swedens’s climate target of net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2045, requires an urgent transition from fossil to biobased economy wherein…

Manager: Rajni Hatti-Kaul


Tree species experiment focused on biomass production – Growth, carbon sequestration and biodiveristy

Forestry can counteract an increase in greenhouse gases through its large capacity to store carbon and through the substitution of fossil fuels….

Manager: Nils Fahlvik


Oxy-Kraft recovery boiler – Towards novel integrated green energy parks

Kraft recovery boilers, i.e., boilers burning pulping industry spent liquor (black liquor) and recovering pulping chemicals, generate both electricity and heat. Black…

Manager: Shareq Mohd Nazir


Pulping of waste wood

In the time when the awareness of the biomass as a limited resource drives the efforts to increase resource efficiency (in the…

Manager: Merima Hasani


Navigating synergies and tradeoffs towards future forest-based solutions

The Swedish forest sector faces demands for increased carbon storage in the forest and changed management methods that result in reduced production,…

Manager: Göran Berndes


Ground-breaking trials for efficient bioash as a sustainable resource

This project aims to streamline recycling of biogenic ash to forest land, but also to study how different ash transformations affect their…

Manager: Mikael Thyrel


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