Energy efficient fossil-free aviation for regional public transportation in support of a green transition (NORRFLYG)
The industries of the green transition in especially northern Sweden, are in demand for labor, specialists and equipment from an increasingly large surrounding. The transition requires housing construction and new communication and transport options. Railways are energy efficient but, like housing construction, take time to establish. Airline routes can be started faster and are flexible. Airports exist and fossil-free flights could provide support for the green transition’s need for extended transport options.
But in Sweden, aviation is not, as for example in Norway, part of the regional public transport system. When fossil-free aviation becomes technically available, institutional deficiencies and regulations will prevent it from taking an important role for regional communication.
To show how these shortcomings can be remedied, we model and identify an energy-efficient network for regional aviation that can support the green transition.
Jonas Westin
Umeå University
Project information
Umeå University
VTI, Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute
Time schedule
April 2024 - March 2026
Total cost of project
3 618 000 SEK
Swedish Energy Agency project number
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