Systems analysis of biomass and carbon capture across energy sectors
Biomass is often seen jointly with carbon capture in influential studies and IPCC publications. However, uncertainties regarding biomass availability affect the potential of negative emissions and carbon storage or usage availability affects cost-effective biomass usage strategies. We will bridge the rather binary academic research on biomass usage and carbon capture, by assessing biomass usage in a state-of-the-art sector-integrated energy systems model with a high spatio-temporal resolution, and adding up-to-date data and experience from the growing body of practical knowledge in concrete CCUS projects. We will assess how biomass in combination with CCUS changes the resource- and cost-efficient use of biomass to achieve climate targets across all energy systems (electricity, heat, transport, industry), under which conditions the captured carbon is used instead of stored, how various uncertainties affect these aspects and how this in turn may affect the energy system as a whole.
Markus Millinger
RISE Research Institutes of Sweden
Project information
Chalmers University of Technology
July 2022 - December 2024
Total project cost
4 365 000 SEK
The Swedish Energy Agency's project number
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