
Here you will find all projects that are financed within the Bio + program.

From forest to low greenhouse gas jet fuels with a developed catalytic pyrolysis technology

Bio-oils produced from wood by existing conversion technologies (e.g. pyrolysis) are incompatible with current jet engines and fuel infrastructure. Bio-oil instability, corrosivity,…

Manager: Hoda Shafaghat


Costs for reducing greenhouse gas emissions from road and air transport with biofuels and electrofuels

Cost-effective GHG reduction with several renewable fuels This project provides an updated summary of the CO2 abatement costs for different types of…

Manager: Julia Hansson

completed: 2023-11-30

Biogas Scenarios

Biogas is associated with several benefits, that can support a societal transition towards a circular economy with reduced climate impacts. The national…

Manager: Thomas Hans-Martin Magnusson


Large scale deodorization of kraft lignin for thermoplastics – a new testbed

Kraft lignin has a great potential to replace fossil-based materials in many applications due to its availability and molecular structure. However, its…

Manager: Katarina Ohlsson


Biochar stability validation – reaching a new level of understanding and transparency

Biochar produced from biomass has large potential to provide negative greenhouse gas emissions as a stable carbon sink in soil. A major…

Manager: Cecilia Sundberg


Develop and prepare for commercialization of the surfactant sodium suberin hydrolyzate from industrial birch bark

The circular bioeconomy is focused on a sustainable and resource-efficient use of biomass as residues and waste and to optimize its value…

Manager: Peter Skagerlind

completed: 2024-12-04

Bioflex – biobased energy carriers and their contribution to a flexible energy system

Bioflex aims at increasing the flexibility, redundancy, and robustness of the energy system by integrating biobased energy carriers (biohydrogen/biogas) with electrolytic hydrogen….

Manager: Erika Lönntoft


Lignin-based batteries

The project aims to develop new natural, water-based organic redox solutions based on lignin, such as electrolytes in a flow coil. These…

Manager: Christian Hulteberg


Wood powder firing in directly heated grain dryers for increased resource efficiency and lower CO2-emissions

Wood powder fired grain dryers pose low risk to food safety In this project, a test dryer for grain has been developed…

Manager: Susanne Paulrud

completed: 2023-03-10

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