Here you will find all projects that are financed within the Bio + program.
Inga resultat hittades
Fossil-free multicopter for heavy lifting
In recent years, drones have become popular and are beeing used in various applications in society. However, there is a lack of…
Manager: Mikael Hult
Fuel scenarios for aviation – Climate efficiency, feasibility and policy measures
The overall aim of the project is to (a) outline scenarios for the aviation fuel supply that provide a greatly reduced climate…
Manager: Jonas Åkerman
Energy efficient fossil-free aviation for regional public transportation in support of a green transition (NORRFLYG)
The industries of the green transition in especially northern Sweden, are in demand for labor, specialists and equipment from an increasingly large…
Manager: Jonas Westin
Biorefining of forest residues for production of fossil free aviation fuels by a two-step process – Enhancing process aromatic selectivity
This project focuses on the development of a novel two-step process of forest residual materials to produce fossil free jet fuels. It…
Manager: Louise Olsson
Increased yield of sustainable aviation fuels from Kraft lignin by multi-strategy approach: fractionation, lignin derivatization, hydroprocessing
Lignol® is a lignin based bio-oil designed to be compatible with existing refinery infrastructure. Being a lignin based product allows for production…
Manager: Marcus Jawerth
Wood powder burners in direct-heated grain dryers for increased resource efficiency and lower CO2 emissions, stage 2
Long-term test and evaluation in a large scale real environment drying is done with combustion heat in dryers that supply heat directly…
Manager: Anders Lindgren
Hydrochar enhanced biogas production, HyBio
With new technology, we aim to explore the possibility of significantly increasing methane production during anaerobic digestion. Recent studies have shown that…
Manager: Maria Sandberg
Biogas production from pelleted and briquetted straw, roadside grass and reeds
The EU Commission has a target of production of 350 TWh biomethane by 2030, and in Sweden a target of 10 TWh…
Manager: Anders Hjort
Efficient use of biomass for a robust and climate-friendly energy system
Bioenergy is renewable, can offer flexible power in the electricity system and domestically produced fuels. However, the use of bioenergy risks causing…
Manager: Lina Reichenberg
SusTainAble biobased fuRan platform for the low carbon industry – STAR
Meeting Swedens’s climate target of net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2045, requires an urgent transition from fossil to biobased economy wherein…
Manager: Rajni Hatti-Kaul
Tree species experiment focused on biomass production – Growth, carbon sequestration and biodiveristy
Forestry can counteract an increase in greenhouse gases through its large capacity to store carbon and through the substitution of fossil fuels….
Manager: Nils Fahlvik
Oxy-Kraft recovery boiler – Towards novel integrated green energy parks
Kraft recovery boilers, i.e., boilers burning pulping industry spent liquor (black liquor) and recovering pulping chemicals, generate both electricity and heat. Black…
Manager: Shareq Mohd Nazir
Pulping of waste wood
In the time when the awareness of the biomass as a limited resource drives the efforts to increase resource efficiency (in the…
Manager: Merima Hasani
Navigating synergies and tradeoffs towards future forest-based solutions
The Swedish forest sector faces demands for increased carbon storage in the forest and changed management methods that result in reduced production,…
Manager: Göran Berndes
Ground-breaking trials for efficient bioash as a sustainable resource
This project aims to streamline recycling of biogenic ash to forest land, but also to study how different ash transformations affect their…
Manager: Mikael Thyrel
FUSE – Assembling C6 furans that are sustainable by C5 bio-based value chains using bioelectrochemistry and CO2
The main goal of the FUSE project is to generate knowledge and green technologies to enable assembly of sustainable furan platform chemicals…
Manager: Per-Olof Syrén
Intensive harvesting by repeated whole-tree extraction in forest ecosystems – effects on stem-growth, carbon stock and growth in the next forest generation
Utilisation of forest biomass will have a leading role in Sweden becoming a fossil-free and bio-based economy. The amount of forest biomass…
Manager: Felicia Dahlgren Lidman
Management of young dense forests and harvesting of biomass for bioenergy while sustaining high biodiversity, social values and sustainability indexes
This project aims to The research objective is to study how thinning for many goals can be done in young dense stands…
Manager: Dan Bergström
Improved forecasts of logging residues for precision planning
Today’s geopolitical situation and roadmaps towards fossil freedom have increased the demand for domestic forest fuels in Sweden. There is an ecological…
Manager: Raul Fernandez Lacruz
Substitution of fossil-based carbon with lignin in furnace electrodes for the metallurgical industry
At present, the metallurgical industry is using large quantities of fossil-based carbons. For example, manufacturing of anodes and cathodes for the primary…
Manager: Peter Rättö
Alternatives to clear-cut forestry: effects on biodiversity, carbon sequestration, and other non-timber services
Sustainable production of forest resources is central to the development of sustainable energy systems. Increased use of clear-cut-free methods is often suggested…
Manager: Joachim Strengbom
Energy-efficient recovery of the resource sewage sludge by pyrolysis
Sewage sludge is a biobased resource that contains phosophorus, potassium and carbon. Today, the sludge is largely spread in fields where these…
Manager: André Selander
Site preparation and bioenergy harvest: How is the carbon stock in soil and biomass affected after 10 years?
Site preparation promotes tree growth and increases carbon storage in tree biomass. Extraction of bioenergy from the forest, such as slash and…
Manager: Monika Strömgren
Development of bio-sustainable binder for battery electrode manufacturing
Polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) binders make up around 2-3% of a lithium-ion batteries (LIB) electrode’s mass and are crucial for battery integrity, safety,…
Manager: Jinhua Sun
An insects biorefinery approach as a strategy to unlock the nutritional and energy potential in co-located lignocellulosic industrial side streams (UNLOCK)
The UNLOCK project aims to meet the EU’s Renewable Energby Directive (RED) II by transforming Brewer’s Spent Grain (BSG) into advanced biofuels…
Manager: Paul Christakopoulos
Sustainable production of aromatic chemicals and green hydrogen from lignin
Aromatic chemicals are produced via many-step processes from fossil-based feedstocks. 96% of hydrogen, H2, is derived from fossil fuels. Green hydrogen costly…
Manager: Xiaoyan Ji
Cultivating sustainable energy and empowering Swedish agriculture through a novel oil crop
This project marks the beginning of a pioneering effort to develop a novel bio-based value chain for biofuel and proteins in Sweden….
Manager: Cecilia Hammenhag
What are the current barriers for circular and sustainable use of micro- and macronutrients in biobased value chains?
The increasing demand for sustainably produced biomass for various products places high demands on the circular use of both micro- and macronutrients….
Manager: Nils Skoglund
Increasing the climate benefits of bioenergy by including the carbon opportunity cost of biomass in energy system models
Bioenergy is a crucial component to achieve ambitious climate goals. However, bioenergy also carries the risk of greenhouse gas emissions due to…
Manager: Lina Reichenberg
Classification and sustainability criteria for renewable fuels in the EU – what actually applies?
To promote increased use of sustainable fuels, the EU has introduced the Renewable Energy Directive (RED). RED includes a standardized methodology to…
Manager: Karin Pettersson
Carbon and climate efficient use of biogenic waste for circular chemicals
In Sweden, around 7Mton of waste is yearly incinerated for energy recovery. Currently around 60 % of the carbon available in that…
Manager: Sima Ajdari
The potential of a bio-based concrete “ink” for sustainable 3D printing: review and perspectives
The Swedish Government’s Climate Action Plan 2019 underlines the need for creating a common understanding about the transition to bioeconomy and knowledge…
Manager: Magdalena Rajczakowska
GotBio: Potential of bio-based energy in carbon neutral scenarios of Gotland
Gotland has been commissioned to drive the transition by acting as a pilot area for a sustainable energy system. The industry and…
Manager: Sofia Klugman
Climate impact of carbon efficient forest-based value chains
Biomass can be used as a feedstock for producing renewable fuels and chemicals. The project investigates how forest residues and industrial side-streams…
Manager: Olivia Cintas Sanchez
Trading fossil and biogenic carbon emissions: Assessments of substitution effects for different value chains
The project takes a holistic perspective on the assessment of the important substitution factors that indicate the climate benefits of replacing emission-intensive…
Manager: Robert Lundmark
Potential value chains for bio-based plastics
There is currently a lack of suitable bio-based raw material to cover the need and demand that exists for bio-based plastics. In…
Manager: Kerstin Jedvert
Maximizing Biogas production with Post-treatment applications
Anaerobic digestion is a sustainable process that combines waste management, nutrient recycling and clean energy production. However, a significant portion of the…
Manager: Alex Enrich Prast
Biobased graphene for energy storage – demo plant
Bright Day Graphene has developed a process to mass produce a biobased, high-quality graphene material. The material was developed with the intention…
Manager: Malin Alpsten
completed: 2024-08-31
Reserve power service based on biogas
This project is about a service for back-up power supply with biogas. It will develop overall technical and business concepts for such…
Manager: Steve Karlsson
Biogas and biofertilizer production in Mellanbygden, Västerbotten
This pre-study will develop a business and implementation model which will be the basis of a future commercial project aiming to make…
Manager: Morgan Larsson
Grey alder as a potential for increased energy-oriented production in Sweden – Evaluation of progeny experiments and their transformation to long-term silvicultural experiments
Fast-growing deciduous tree species have been highlighted as an important contribution to increased biomass production. Gray alder can be a hardy alternative…
Manager: Nils Fahlvik
ECO-FORCE FUELS: ECO-eFficient biORefinery for Competitive production of grEen renewable shipping FUELS
ECO-FORCE FUELS aims to produce low-emission marine biofuels via complete conversion of forest residues. A continuous organosolv process will be used to…
Manager: Pavlos Christakopoulos
BioPower 2023
The need for local, plannable, renewable power has risen dramatically. Reliance on fossil fuels threatens energy security, causes climate change and is…
Manager: Michael Bartlett
Forest of all values? – Methods for inventory and valuation of the forest’s various benefits
The forest is expected to deliver in a wide range of ways, from being a renewable resource and creating biodiversity to capturing…
Manager: Maria Iwarsson Wide
Synthesis, structure and application of bio-binders for electrodes and refractories in the metallurgical process industries
Carbon is a critical material in several metallurgical industrial sectors, and not just as a reducing agent. The unique chemical and structural…
Manager: Jesse White
Biorefinery: scale-up of 5-HMF derivatives
The overall aimof this project is to transform chemical industries from using fossil feedstock to using renewable biomass. In this project, we…
Manager: Louise Olsson
Efficient syngas fermentation of gasified woody biomass
The project contributes to the development of efficient biological methanation of gasified woody biomass in a unique “solid state” reactor, developed and…
Manager: Jörgen Held
Biorefining of bark in biochemical conversion and in forest-industrial processes
Bark is an underutilized residual stream from pulp and saw mills and its utilization in biochemical conversion is not well investigated. This…
Manager: Leif Jönsson
Efficient biofuel production and logistics at terminals and industry
The project’s overall objective is to produce quality-assured knowledge that can be applied directly in practice and enables increased efficiency in the…
Manager: Erik Anerud
The future of biofuel production in the EU – potentials, technologies and policies
Biofuel markets in the EU are undergoing rapid changes. Changes in the policy landscape due to increased climate ambitions is expected to…
Manager: Jonas Zetterholm
More energy-efficient sawn-timber drying at sawmills
The drying of sawn timber requires a lot of energy and leads to quality losses, a limited production capacity, and high costs…
Manager: Dick Sandberg
Efficient Production of Hard Carbon from Modified Lignin (CARAMEL)
The large-scale use of sodium-ion batteries (SIBs) is expected to contribute to the realization of a fossil-free society that is dependent on…
Manager: Habtom Desta Asfaw
Sustainable aviation fuel from thermocatalytic refining of lignin and lignin-derivatives: development of biorefinery catalysts and reaction systems
This project aims to develop a cost-effective and efficient lignin refining technology as an alternative for petroleum refinery, with the goal of…
Manager: Linda Sandström
Copper smelter slag as bed material in fluidized bed combustion
This project examines the possibility to use granulated copper-smelter slag, järnsand in Swedish, as bed material in fluidized-bed combustion. Järnsand is a…
Manager: Magnus Rydén
Next generation surveillance of biogas plants using AI – for improved efficiency and resource utlisation
Increased biogas production, e.g. more biogas plants as well as increased production efficiency per plant, is clearly an important approach to reach…
Manager: Anna Schnürer
Production of hydrogen and biochar from woody biomass via steam iron process utilizing iron ore concentrate
This project examines a novel method for production of hydrogen and biochar from forestry residues. The principal idea is an integrated process…
Manager: Magnus Rydén
CReative Construction Of DefoSSilized Value Chains – CROSS
Deep decarbonization of the society requires rethinking of the production routes and value chains with a radical switch to renewable carbon, utilizing…
Manager: Efthymios Kantarelis
Smart storage and supply of straw for biorefinery
Cereal straw is an interesting raw material for biorefineries. Here, we want to investigate the possibility of using straw with increased water…
Manager: Carina Gunnarsson
Resource-efficient value chains though ash recycling to fast-growing broadleaved tree plantations for increased biomass production
Ash recycling to fast growing broadleaf tree plantations might generate 45 TWh/year by 2045 were 30 TWh is made possible through application…
Manager: Henrik Böhlenius
Development of business concepts for the commercialization of Votion’s bio-based solutions and value chains
Fuels and oils from any biomass This feasibility study has identified focus areas for the company Votion’s pilot projects and the concepts…
Manager: Anders Edling Hultgren
completed: 2023-02-20
Resource-efficient processing of residues in connection to short fiber pulp production
Birch bark is a residue from the forest industry containing a variety of different compound with their individual properties and characteristics. All…
Manager: Josefin Larsson
CelluXtreme – Feasibility study for scaleup
CelluXtreme has a unique technology for spinning strong fibers from 100% nanocellulose with green chemistry and with low emissions to air and…
Manager: Anna Wiberg
Prestudy for commercial plants for OFS sustainable biofuels
Organofuel Sweden AB aims to commercialize a new, innovative and sustainable conversion process for biofuel production for road traffic and aviation. The…
Manager: Erik Nelsson
Paulownia – A new possibility for energy and climate transition in Sweden
How can Paulownia be commercially grown in Sweden? This project has investigated what is needed to succeed in cultivating Paulownia in Sweden….
Manager: Jarmo Spiik
completed: 2023-04-28
Feasibility study for project with the aim of commercializing an industrial drying process based on microwave technology
Saving money and resources by drying timber with microwaves In this project, MicroDri AB has studied how their microwave timber drying technology…
Manager: Victor Borén
completed: 2023-09-01
New technology promises higher yield from sustainable and locally produced biomass Phoenix Biopower’s BTC technology, Biomass-fired Top Cycle, enables flexible and robust…
Manager: Michael Bartlett
completed: 2023-03-01
Evaluation of industrial symbiosis between fish farming and a hydrogen plant in Alby
Fish farm makes use of residual heat and oxygen from hydrogen plant In this study, the processes, sustainability, production costs, and handling…
Manager: Elena Petukhovskaya
completed: 2024-03-15
Biobased Heat Transfer Fluid
Closer to market with alternative use of product In this project, Biobase Sweden AB has carried out a techno-economic analysis for a…
Manager: Per Wiklund
completed: 31 december 2023
Catalytic production of green esters from biomass feedstock in a biorefinery context
It is of utmost importance that we become a fossil free sustainable society and an important part is to valorize biomass. Biomass…
Manager: Louise Olsson
Intensive forest biomass harvest and need for nutrient compensation – new knowledge for guidelines for sustainable biomass utilisation
To meet a future fossil-free bio-based economy utilisation of forest biomass will have a leading role. Available forest biomass depends on available…
Manager: Lars Högbom
Sustainable cultivation of root sucker generated hybrid aspen
Hybrid aspen is an interesting alternative in developing renewable raw materials and phasing out fossil products and energy sources. We have some…
Manager: Nils Fahlvik
Green2 Feed – Sustainable animal feed and biogas from green leaves
To become a bioeconomy for real – how do we solve issues about sustainable protein feed and renewable energy? In order to…
Manager: Thomas Prade
Systems analysis of biomass and carbon capture across energy sectors
Biomass is often seen jointly with carbon capture in influential studies and IPCC publications. However, uncertainties regarding biomass availability affect the potential…
Manager: Markus Millinger
Novel energy and resource-efficient value chains through co-combustion of straw fuels and sludge
Sweden has an untapped potential of straw fuels of 20 TWh on unused arable land of approximately 700 000 ha and further…
Manager: Marcus Öhman
Fossil-free graphite
Graphite is widely used in process industries, E-mobility and digitalisation. Its consumption has increased rapidly due to increased production of lithium-ion batteries…
Manager: Weihong Yang
A flexible bioeconomy – key factor to enabling investments in large-scale biorefineries
Domestic sustainable biogenic feedstocks are important in the energy system transition, but their use is severely limited by a lack of investment…
Manager: Elisabeth Wetterlund
The role of bioenergy to achieve energy and climate goals – an assessment of a changeable function in a dynamic energy system
The overall aim is to describe how the role and function of biomass to achieve energy and climate goals will change over…
Manager: Pål Börjesson
Sustainable and cost-effective production of biobased fuels and chemicals via slurry hydroprocessing of forest residues
Large-scale implementation of biofuels will be required if Sweden are to achieve its goals of the phasing out of fossil fuels in…
Manager: Niklas Bergvall
From forest to low greenhouse gas jet fuels with a developed catalytic pyrolysis technology
Bio-oils produced from wood by existing conversion technologies (e.g. pyrolysis) are incompatible with current jet engines and fuel infrastructure. Bio-oil instability, corrosivity,…
Manager: Hoda Shafaghat
Costs for reducing greenhouse gas emissions from road and air transport with biofuels and electrofuels
Cost-effective GHG reduction with several renewable fuels This project provides an updated summary of the CO2 abatement costs for different types of…
Manager: Julia Hansson
completed: 2023-11-30
Biogas Scenarios
Biogas is associated with several benefits, that can support a societal transition towards a circular economy with reduced climate impacts. The national…
Manager: Thomas Hans-Martin Magnusson
Large scale deodorization of kraft lignin for thermoplastics – a new testbed
Kraft lignin has a great potential to replace fossil-based materials in many applications due to its availability and molecular structure. However, its…
Manager: Katarina Ohlsson
Biochar stability validation – reaching a new level of understanding and transparency
Biochar produced from biomass has large potential to provide negative greenhouse gas emissions as a stable carbon sink in soil. A major…
Manager: Cecilia Sundberg
Develop and prepare for commercialization of the surfactant sodium suberin hydrolyzate from industrial birch bark
The circular bioeconomy is focused on a sustainable and resource-efficient use of biomass as residues and waste and to optimize its value…
Manager: Peter Skagerlind
completed: 2024-12-04
Bioflex – biobased energy carriers and their contribution to a flexible energy system
Bioflex aims at increasing the flexibility, redundancy, and robustness of the energy system by integrating biobased energy carriers (biohydrogen/biogas) with electrolytic hydrogen….
Manager: Erika Lönntoft
Lignin-based batteries
The project aims to develop new natural, water-based organic redox solutions based on lignin, such as electrolytes in a flow coil. These…
Manager: Christian Hulteberg
Wood powder firing in directly heated grain dryers for increased resource efficiency and lower CO2-emissions
Wood powder fired grain dryers pose low risk to food safety In this project, a test dryer for grain has been developed…
Manager: Susanne Paulrud
completed: 2023-03-10
Check-in: moisture content – radiowave arrival measurement on roundwood and chip trucks
The moisture content of wood chips and fuel- and pulpwood is important for both logistics and industrial processes. Today’s methods for measuring…
Manager: Kari Hyll
Development of process monitoring for improved efficiency in thermochemical conversion of biomass
The overall goal of the project is to enable improved electric efficiency biomass boilers. This project aims to demonstrate and make use…
Manager: Klas Andersson
Large scale deodorization of kraft lignin for thermoplastics – a new testbed
Kraft lignin has a great potential to replace fossil-based materials in many applications due to its availability and molecular structure. However, its…
Manager: Katarina Ohlsson
Biochar stability validation – reaching a new level of understanding and transparency
Biochar produced from biomass has large potential to provide negative greenhouse gas emissions as a stable carbon sink in soil. A major…
Manager: Cecilia Sundberg
Develop and prepare for commercialization of the surfactant sodium suberin hydrolyzate from industrial birch bark
The circular bioeconomy is focused on a sustainable and resource-efficient use of biomass as residues and waste and to optimize its value…
Manager: Peter Skagerlind
completed: 2024-12-04
Bioflex – biobased energy carriers and their contribution to a flexible energy system
Bioflex aims at increasing the flexibility, redundancy, and robustness of the energy system by integrating biobased energy carriers (biohydrogen/biogas) with electrolytic hydrogen….
Manager: Erika Lönntoft
Lignin-based batteries
The project aims to develop new natural, water-based organic redox solutions based on lignin, such as electrolytes in a flow coil. These…
Manager: Christian Hulteberg
Wood powder firing in directly heated grain dryers for increased resource efficiency and lower CO2-emissions
Wood powder fired grain dryers pose low risk to food safety In this project, a test dryer for grain has been developed…
Manager: Susanne Paulrud
completed: 2023-03-10
Check-in: moisture content – radiowave arrival measurement on roundwood and chip trucks
The moisture content of wood chips and fuel- and pulpwood is important for both logistics and industrial processes. Today’s methods for measuring…
Manager: Kari Hyll
Development of process monitoring for improved efficiency in thermochemical conversion of biomass
The overall goal of the project is to enable improved electric efficiency biomass boilers. This project aims to demonstrate and make use…
Manager: Klas Andersson