Bioflex – biobased energy carriers and their contribution to a flexible energy system
Bioflex aims at increasing the flexibility, redundancy, and robustness of the energy system by integrating biobased energy carriers (biohydrogen/biogas) with electrolytic hydrogen. By combining 2 energy carriers, the project intends to investigate possible synergy effects between the different production paths. The combination of energy carriers is expected to generate 3 main effects: more efficient resource utilization, increased share of biobased energy and increased flexibility in local energy systems.
The project will perform a lab and pilot study of a two-stage bioprocesses, investigate synergy effects and flexibility in the interaction between the bioprocesses and electrolysis, techno-economic analysis of the system and an actor analysis. The goals of the project are to 1) demonstrate the two-stage bioprocess continuously for 1.5 months and reduce the residence time for biogas production by 50% and optimize nutrient supply 2) Implementation plan and recommendations to actors.
Erika Lönntoft
RISE Research Institutes of Sweden
Project information
RISE Research Institutes of Sweden
Kraftringen Energi
Eslövs kommun
Lunds Universitet
January 2022 - November 2024
Total project cost
4 853 183 SEK
The Swedish Energy Agency's project number
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