The purpose of an innovation cluster is to disseminate knowledge, research and innovation results, to share experiences and to boost energy, climate and resource-efficient innovations. Innovation clusters bring together decision-makers, customers, problem owners, R&D performers and other stakeholders around common needs.
Clusters and cross-sectoral innovation environments shall promote idea generation, commercialization of new innovative solutions and promote international cooperation in the field.
Read more about the six innovation clusters within the Bio+program below.

BioBas30 – Innovation cluster for a bio-based construction sector 2030
BioBas30 shall constitute a cross-sectoral collaboration that stimulates increased knowledge in the development and use of bio-based solutions, innovations and within the construction sector’s entire value chain from raw materials, materials, production, operations, energy and heat supply to recycling in conjunction with a sustainable energy system.
Innovation cluster for sustainable biofuels
Innovation clusters for sustainable biofuels have as an overall goal to contribute to an actual and rapid conversion to renewable fuels, to increase the transport sector’s conditions to achieve climate and other sustainability goals by 2030 and 2045.

GIVE – Green Organic Electric Energy Systems
GIVE, in collaboration with other stakeholders, designs and establishes a new world-leading cluster to stimulate and accelerate the use and entrepreneurship in green organic electrical energy systems.
The innovation cluster Green Carbon Atoms
The innovation cluster brings together companies, researchers, organisations, and authorities for cross-sectorial and interdisciplinary joint cooperation, to achieve a resource-efficient and circular value chain from biomass.

The innovation cluster BioGenGas
The Innovation cluster for sustainable, biogenic energy gases, BioGenGas, exists to develop and implement biogenic energy gases, for example biogas, biogenic hydrogen, biodiesel and bioDME. The cluster will create an actor platform that increases knowledge, innovation power and development opportunities for biogenic energy gases, both nationally and internationally.
Innovation cluster for biochar and bioenergy from pyrolysis
Biochar and bioenergy from pyrolysis are undergoing rapid development both in terms of market and applications. The innovation cluster provides opportunities to develop and coordinate stakeholders in a national network. The long-term goal is to establish a stand-alone and independent organisation that contributes to a more resource- and energy-efficient bio-based society with a focus on negative emissions.