Maximizing Biogas production with Post-treatment applications
Anaerobic digestion is a sustainable process that combines waste management, nutrient recycling and clean energy production. However, a significant portion of the feedstock’s energetic potential remains untapped in the digestate, resulting in suboptimal methane recovery and overall process efficiency.
This project proposes to evaluate the effect of post-treatments on digested materials from various feedstocks, as well as their cost-efficiency, through a systematic review and meta-analysis. The results will provide valuable insights for researchers, enabling them to optimize post-treatment research. Moreover, industry stakeholders, including equipment producers and technology developers, will be able to apply the project’s findings to develop more effective and commercially viable solutions.
Alex Enrich Prast
Linköping University
Project information
Linköping University
Time schedule
October 2023 - December 2024
Total cost of project
1 313 400 SEK
Swedish Energy Agency project number
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