Lignin-based batteries

The project aims to develop new natural, water-based organic redox solutions based on lignin, such as electrolytes in a flow coil. These have the potential to drastically reduce the cost of energy storage for stationary applications in comparison with, for example, corresponding flow batteries based on vanadium or Li-ion batteries.

In the project, the by-product lignin from pulp and paper production will be modified by using a new method for depolymerization of lignin, which has been developed in chemical engineering at LU. The solutions will then be characterized electrochemically in a flow battery in chemical engineering at KTH.

Within the framework of the project, the oxidative depolymerization will first be optimized to generate suitable lignin fragments both as they are after depolymerization and after further modification. The batteries come with properties such as cell resistance, capacity conservation and coulombic efficiency.

Scientific output

Several articles have been produced from the project:

Additional manuscripts are under production. Once published, the articles will de added to the list of articles.


Christian Hulteberg

Lunds universitet

Project information


Lunds universitet
Kungliga tekniska högskolan


January 2022 – December 2024

Total project cost

7 467 119 SEK

The Swedish Energy Agency's project number
