BioPower 2023

The need for local, plannable, renewable power has risen dramatically. Reliance on fossil fuels threatens energy security, causes climate change and is expensive. Growing amounts of intermittent renewables can be efficiently complemented with the novel Biomass-fired Top Cycle (BTC) technology, which can flexibly and robustly utilise sustainable and locally sourced biomass at electrical efficiencies up to 50%.

The project BioPower2023 shall continue the development of the novel BTC technology. In particular, BioPower2023 shall experimentally characterise and validate key capabilities of the combustion and gasification technologies for robust and flexible operations with low quality fuels, and thereby decrease risk for implementation and improve performance in the market. Further, two pre-feasibility studies for demonstration plants operating with mixtures of waste wood and forest residues (Sweden) and energy crops (UK) will be done with Sweden’s and UK’s largest biopower utilities.


Michael Bartlett

Phoenix Biopower

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Project information


Phoenix Biopower
Drax Power Station Ltd.
Stockholm Exergi AB
RISE Research Institutes of Sweden

Time schedule

November 2022 - December 2024

Total cost of project

17 397 755 SEK

Swedish Energy Agency project number
