Biobased graphene for energy storage – demo plant
Bright Day Graphene has developed a process to mass produce a biobased, high-quality graphene material. The material was developed with the intention of providing increased performance of energy storage products in a sustainable way. The process has already been verified in a lab prototype. The next step is to build a first industrial facility, to meet the market demand for larger volumes of the material.
This project aims to prepare the scale-up of production by choosing the best geographic place for the production and then carry out several technical, economic and practical analysis to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the process and the project. We will then use the information to develop an action plan for the weaknesses that are identified and make investment calculations. The project will for instance include a techno-economic analysis, and a sustainability analysis.
Malin Alpsten
Bright Day Graphene AB
Project information
Bright Day Graphene AB
Time schedule
March - December 2023
Total cost of project
997 500 SEK
Swedish Energy Agency project number
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