Ground-breaking trials for efficient bioash as a sustainable resource
This project aims to streamline recycling of biogenic ash to forest land, but also to study how different ash transformations affect their plant availability.
The work includes generating new, unique knowledge from ground-breaking field trials with partly forced leaching, partly new spreading technology that enables the use of fresh ash alongside hardened ash. The possibilities of using potassium from fresh ash will be studied to integrate other parts of the energy system, e.g. capture of CO2 within bio-CCS, e-fuels and advanced functional carbon materials for battery applications.
The ambition is to develop innovative and cost-saving technology for simplified treatment and spreading of ash and to use empty return transports in the forest.
Mikael Thyrel
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU)
Project information
Umeå Energi
Holmen AB
Time schedule
December 2023 - December 2027
Total cost of project
6 872 162 SEK
Swedish Energy Agency project number
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