New technology promises higher yield from sustainable and locally produced biomass
Phoenix Biopower’s BTC technology, Biomass-fired Top Cycle, enables flexible and robust utilization of sustainable and locally produced biomass with an electrical efficiency of up to 50%. In this project, the company has been able to deliver several significant results to lay the foundation for commercialization and market entry of the technology.
The need for local, plannable, renewable power has risen dramatically. Reliance on fossil fuels threatens energy security, causes climate change and is expensive.
Growing amounts of intermittent renewables can be efficiently complemented with the novel Biomass-fired Top Cycle (BTC) technology, which can flexibly and robustly utilise sustainable and locally sourced biomass at electrical efficiencies up to 50%.
The BTC technology is being developed by Phoenix Biopower, and within the scope of this project, the company has been able to deliver several significant results to lay the foundation for commercialization and enable market entry for the technology. In particular, a first standard 10 MW BTC product has been defined, and all technical concepts have been identified together with a gas turbine supplier.
Furthermore, the business plan and the commercial roadmap have been updated, including a demonstration plant. Finally, a pre-study of the demonstration plant was conducted, and a draft for the Swedish Energy Agency’s Pilot and Demonstration program was developed.
Phoenix Biopower collaborates with several prominent actors in the field to develop combustion, gasification, and plant technology. One of these is KTH Royal Institute of Technology. Phoenix Biopower’s mini power plant is located in the old heating and power plant on the KTH campus in Stockholm.
In an article from KTH, the pilot plant and Phoenix Biopower’s future plans for the BTC technology are described.
The project was presented at a webinar with the theme “The Road to Commercialization of Bio-based Innovations” on October 20th, 2023. The slides are available here:
Michael Bartlett
Phoenix Biopower AB
Project information
Phoenix Biopower AB
September 2022 – February 2023
Total project cost
1 302 875 SEK
Swedish Energy Agency's project number
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