Biogas Scenarios

Biogas is associated with several benefits, that can support a societal transition towards a circular economy with reduced climate impacts. The national public inquiry SOU 2019:63 has therefore proposed a fivefold increase of the Swedish biogas production, from today’s 2 TWh to 10 TWh by 2030.
This project aims to support key stakeholders in strategic decision-making on how to engage in the Swedish biogas ecosystem to facilitate this envisioned growth. The project relies on engaged scholarship to address complementarities, competition and interdependencies. It will engage stakeholders in the construction and analysis of sociotechnical scenarios for the production, distribution and use of biogas in Sweden.
The scenarios will focus on critical interactions between public and private actors, as well as on necessary initiatives and policies. Their engagement in the scenario construction will help the stakeholders understand and assess their own role in a growing biogas ecosystem.

Thomas Hans-Martin Magnusson
Linköpings Universitet
Project information
Linköpings Universitet
January 2022 – December 2025
Total project cost
6 045 405 SEK
The Swedish Energy Agency's project number
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