Web portal launch

Now we are finally launching the web portal for the Bio + program. Here we will gather all information about the projects, but also announce when there are events and seminars. We are keen to spread the knowledge and experience we build up over the five years that the program will be active. In order not to miss the latest from us, you are warmly welcome to follow us on social media, we are on LinkedIn. You can also subscribe to our newsletter, sign up in the footer below.
Latest news

Bio+ launches new call for projects!
Do you want to build new knowledge or have solutions that can accelerate and promote the transition to a sustainable and bio-based…

Bio+ expands its portfolio with 21 new projects
As a result of the latest calls for proposals, the Swedish Energy Agency has granted funding to a total of 21 new…

Plastics, concrete “ink” and nutrient circularity in focus for newly started Bio+ projects
Between October 2023 and January 2024, ten new projects that have been granted financing within the Bio+ program will start. The projects…