Conference, September 8: Biomass can secure energy supply in Sweden


Domestic biomass resources can be of great importance for Sweden’s energy supply in times of crisis.

Welcome to join a conference on the opportunities to increase the national security of supply with Swedish bio-based raw materials, and how we gather forces to accelerate the energy and climate transition.

Questions that will be addressed are

  • How can our domestic bio-raw materials contribute to securing the energy supply?
  • What is needed in regards to supply, procurement, collaboration, research and innovation?
  • Which regulations support, hinder or are missing to make things happen?
  • What lessons can we learn from Finland for a more robust energy supply and increased crisis preparedness?

Welcome to register by the latest on September 1: Kraftsamling Sverige: Försörjningstrygghetens roll i omställningen.

The conference is hosted by the Bio+program and the Swedish Energy Agency.

Please note that the conference language is Swedish.