BioBas30 shall constitute a cross-sectoral collaboration that stimulates increased knowledge in the development and use of bio-based solutions, innovations and within the construction sector’s entire value chain – from raw materials, materials, production, operations, energy and heat supply, to recycling in conjunction with a sustainable energy system.
nteraction with energy systems and effective instruments and policies that can steer towards climate goals in an open national member-funded structure. The cluster is being built as a track within the Local Roadmap Malmö and the 170 private/public members, of which 38 builders each have made promises to achieve at least one climate-neutral building/construction project by 2030.
Management and coordination
Local roadmap Malmö 2030 Economic association
Project manager
Thomas Sundén
January 2022 – December 2024
Total project cost
4 981 600 SEK
The Swedish Energy Agency’s project number