Future deliveries from the chemical pulp industry – flexible electricity, green products or negative emissions?

The project aims to investigate the interaction between the chemical pulping industry and the future energy system under different energy scenarios. The project will explore various alternatives for developing chemical pulp mills, including increasing flexibility in interaction with the electricity system, producing green products, and/or providing negative emissions.
By analysing conventional chemical pulp mills and the most promising new technologies, the project will provide insights into how pulp mills can contribute to balancing supply and demand in the electricity system and/or provide new green products or negative emissions.
The project will also identify economic and policy incentives as well as barriers for pulp mills to act in a certain direction and assess how their role in the energy system may change over time in response to increased demand for bio-based products from other sectors.
Filip Johnsson
Chalmers University of Technology
Project information
Chalmers University of Technology
Time schedule
December 2024 - December 2025
Total cost of project
1 185 000 SEK
Swedish Energy Agency's project number
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